Whitney Houston died the other night. While I am not a fan of death, I find myself apathetic about the whole thing. A person who I did not know, who did drugs most of her life, who let a man beat her, and who's own mother had to have an intervention court ordered passed away. I will pray for her family and the grief they must be going through right now, but I cannot find it in my heart or mind to care. Many people in my life have been taken from me. Those close and others only barely knew, and I think of them and what we did together on this short time on Earth. I have no fond memories of Mrs. Houston, and I guess that is where my apathy stems. I did not have a "hook-up" because of her most famous of songs, or take a girlfriend to see "The Bodyguard". I was not drawn in to her "reality" show like so many others. To me, she was just a woman who sang a song, made a ton of money, and smoked/snorted everything she made away.
I am not trying to downplay the importance of life, or say your grief and sadness have no meaning. I can fully empathize with you, as I too know the pain of loss. BUT. I now get to listen to millions of people lamenting a person they didn't know. There will probably be plenty of "memorial" specials, and many famous people will get up on stage and say how awesome of a person she was. I don't buy it. I hear nothing about how she was an addict, and now I'm supposed shed a tear. The same came with the death of Michael Jackson. His death was crammed down my throat and everywhere people were crying like he was their own child/brother. If a normal drug addict or pedophile died in the apartment complex I live in, they would be taken away, cause of death determined, and their family would have a simple ceremony if they had any family left. Millions wouldn't be forced to watch about how they died, and the life they lived.
Again, it is very hard to not come off that I dont give two shits about your pain. I do, for her family and friends, I feel for you and know your loss is hard. I am more pissed that normal people barely get anything, but because rich and "powerful" people knew her, she is going to have millions spent to tell the "story" of her and her life now. So to the family and direct friends of Misses Houston I say the following: I am terribly sorry for your loss and hope that happy memories soon overwhelm the pain your now experience.
To people who she didn't affect your life on a daily, or family basis: Get fucked and pay attention to the World and your own Country. There is plenty going on that is worth more than someone dying of either a drug overdose or complications of years of doing said drugs. Hundred of addicts and former addicts die everyday. Do something to STOP drug addition instead of just sitting there going "oh poor baby".
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